Open Space

Parents want their children to have active, well rounded lives with time to connect as a family — away from digital distractions. Open Space offers them a tool connect with friends, share their passions, and engage their kids — together in the great outdoors.

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Research and insight

Generative research and interviews revealed common obstacles and frustrations. Parents want simplicity and flexible planning. Kids want activities that are novel, exciting and challenging. And, while spending time with family was ok, what they really want is to have fun with their friends.

Careful planning

To get to a minimum viable product, tasks had to be simple while still serving the app's core promise — making the outdoors social. Feature prioritization and user flow testing helped eliminate superfluous ideas and minimize pain points and confusion.

Discover, explore, test, repeat

Wireframe testing helped iterate layouts, explore hierarchy, and clarify labeling. Multiple rounds with user feedback quickly define ideal task pathways and eliminate unnecessary steps.

User interface and prototyping

The Open Space story is outdoorsy, yet youthful and optimistic. The brand and visual system shape and define that narrative, supporting an easy and inviting experience.


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